Top Tech Trends

The technology we use in our daily lives is ever evolving. And, with many new breakthroughs still expected over the coming years, it’s easy to see why so many enthusiasts are excited about the next tech wave.

Top Tech Trends

Although the pandemic has slowed down the development of most projects over the past few years, we can still expect exciting advancements in the world of tomorrow’s tech. 

Extended Reality

Extended reality is a term that encompasses all types of technologies that alter the way we perceive the world, including augmented, mixed, and virtual reality. Extended reality is set to become crucial tech in our modern society as it continues to grow and become more widely used.

As virtual reality gaming headsets have grown in popularity over recent years, you’ve definitely witnessed people wearing one, but VR’s uses extend well beyond entertainment. 

One of the major roles that extended reality will be filling in the coming years will be in the virtual assistant space, with a particular emphasis on the design and engineering renovations possible with this exciting tech.

Unfortunately, this type of technology needs some of the latest and fastest computer hardware to operate well, so be sure to read more about the best hardware available today from reputable brands and take advantage of this new tech. 

Also Read: Top 7 Internet Trends To Watch For In 2022

3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a relatively new method used to manufacture items by extruding layers of a substance or material to build up real-world objects.

The materials that are most often used in the 3D printing process include plastics and types of metals, but almost any material, including living tissue and concrete, can be used to create complex geometries, so long as they can be extruded and bonded in layers to form a stiff shell or body. 

3D printing can be fast, with the right (expensive) technology, and is one of the best options for creating more complex geometries, but injection moulding will almost always be more economical where it’s applicable.

The most promising uses for 3D printing admittedly lie in the engineering field, but that’s not stopping any inventive home-user from finding new uses for the tech daily.

Renewable Energies

Renewable energy, or clean energy, is a hot topic in today’s world, and for good reason. Unlike fossil fuel-based energy, renewable energy is generated from natural processes and resources that can replenish themselves with little to no human intervention.

Two of the most popular types of renewable energy we use already include solar and wind power, although it must be noted that the quantity of power produced is heavily dependent on factors outside our control, making them less reliable than traditional forms of generation. 

While the forces of mother nature have long been diverted for lighting, transportation, heating, and many other purposes, renewable energy is often considered a relatively recent innovation. A key target for the best use of renewables in the near future will be to update the ageing global electrical system, making it stronger, more reliable, and more coordinated across areas as the usage of renewable energy increases. 

5G Connectivity

Fifth-generation wireless (5G) is the newest version of the technology that provides mobile connectivity to our devices. The new revisions of the long-established tech are released for improved data speeds and better network response.

The data transmitted over 5G technologies will be many times faster than its predecessor, the still widely used 4G tech. The potential maximum speeds that can be achieved over 5G have been advertised at over 20 gigabits per second, with latency speeds of below 5 milliseconds.

Compare this to the current maximum 4G speeds of 100 megabits per second and latencies recorded between 60 and 98 milliseconds and you will see why people are excited by 5G. This tech is set to be rolled out globally over the next decade, with many metropolitan areas already enjoying the benefits of 5G connectivity.

Also Read: 2 Trends In Internet Of Things App Development To Watch Today

Drone Tech

Drones can access areas that are difficult for people to access. Compared to other surveillance technology, drones are able to collect a lot more high-quality data by travelling at lower elevations and capturing clear and quality photographs. Numerous industries, including photography, surveying, entertainment, policing, and the military, have accepted the use of drones in a multitude of scenarios, with new applications being explored every day. 

The largest fields where the applications of drone technologies are being investigated include smart agriculture, preservation of natural resources, distribution, disaster response and rescue, logistics, and even transportation.

Today’s drones are equipped with exceedingly complex rigs to help them plot areas, track devices, carry food and aid, and some even come equipped with safety frames to prevent damage to the equipment in the event of a power outage, transmission disruption, or accident.

This short list of the top technological marvels serves to illustrate how far we have progressed in such a short period of time. While many of these pieces of tech are still early on in their development, we can expect leaps and bounds in advancements over the coming years.

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