SEO Link Building The Backbone of Your Ecommerce Site Success

The success of an e-commerce business depends on the number of visitors to your site. This means you should up your SEO game to grow site traffic and boost the conversion rate. SEO goes beyond keyword targeting and meta-data.

While ecommerce link building is usually overlooked, it stands out for its effectiveness and success rate. In fact, Google’s algorithm uses links in its page ranking criteria. 

SEO Link Building The Backbone of Your Ecommerce Site Success

But What Exactly Is Link Building?

As the name suggests, link building involves acquiring external links (backlinks) from other websites to bring traffic to your site. Ideally, people look for recommendations from relatives and friends when purchasing goods and services. They tend to trust these brands and perceive the companies’ products as safe.

Similarly, people will trust your content and products if they get recommendations from credible sources. If you are still striving to establish your brand credibility, having a popular website link back to your content can help boost your ranking. In a nutshell, link building entails having popular, trustworthy, and reputable businesses link to your website. 

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Why Are Getting Links Beneficial to Your Business?

It Enhances Your Site’s Credibility

The main goal of Google is to give its users relevant results within the shortest time possible. Every time you use a search engine, you hope to get relevant and valuable information. But how do search engines verify the validity, relevance, and quality of information? 

While the Google algorithm is highly advanced, it requires help. This is where backlinks come in handy. The algorithm scans infographics or articles for links. This inbound link indicates that your content might have relevant and helpful answers. Diversified and healthy backlinks serve as an endorsement and boost the credibility of your page.

Increases Brand Visibility

The visibility of your website depends on the number of backlinks it has. When many sites link back to your content, it will appear at the top of search engine results. This means it will increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience. 

Essentially, link building is vital in boosting website traffic and creating brand awareness. In fact, it will reach new prospective clients. If the links to your site keep popping up to your target audience, it will create the impression that your brand is reputable and worth trying. 

Creates Relationships With Other Industry Players

Link building is a bridge to increasing meaningful interaction with other businesses in your field. Connecting with other websites within your industry, in turn, helps you derive mutual benefits. Requesting other content creators to link back to your site is where the rubber meets the road. But do not fret. 

Before you reach out to other site owners, you should endeavor to understand the persona of their target audience. It will help you create meaningful content that resonates with your audience. Once you learn their language, proceed to craft a customized pitch.

There are tools to help scale your outreach campaign, but the conventional manual method works fine. Once you get links for the first time, you clear the pathway to get more in the future. Sounds interesting, right? It is. 

Help Boost the SEO Score

Lastly, link building affects your website’s health metrics. Various metrics that measure the health of your website include page rank (PR), domain authority (DA), and domain rating (DR). Well, it is practically impossible to control which sites will link back to your website.

However, you should work towards getting a healthy website and a good backlink profile. The good news is that tools like Google’s Disavow link tool can help you remove the bad links that downgrade your metrics and site performance. 

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Final Word

Ranking top in search engines and making sales without eCommerce link building is a tall order. Link building is one of the fundamental SEO tools. Remember that meaningful and relevant content is the cornerstone of an effective link-building strategy.

With good content, liaise with other businesses to get backlinks and watch your search engine ranking, website traffic, and brand visibility improve. A good return on investment will come hot on its heels. 

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