Businesses are going digital now. 

They are not only doing business and making sales online but also marketing in the online space. 


Everything starts with search engines. Nowadays, whenever someone wants to buy something, instead of going to the nearby store, the first search that on the search engine with a particular word or phrase, which is known as a keyword. 

The results appear on the SERP or search engine result page. The higher your website will rank, the more opportunity you will get to attract customers. Here we will talk about the components of SERP so that you can utilize them for marketing your business the right way. 

What Are The Components Of SERP

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What Is SERP?

It stands for Search Engine Result Page. 

When you search anything on the search engine, it shows a number of results in different formats and styles. The page that opens after typing the query and hitting the enter button is the search engine result page. It often contains ads as well on the basis of the relevant keyword. 

Also Read: What Is SERP Digital Marketing And How To Get Rank Checking Services?

What Are The Components Of SERP?

Now, after getting an understanding of what SERP is, it is time to dig into the main topic and have a thorough look at all the components of SERP or search engine result page. 

Paid Search Ads

When comes to paid search ads, it has different styles and forms. When you search for something on the search engine, at one point, you will find paid search ads at the top or on the side of the search engine result page. 

All those paid search, bid price, and ad quality ads might contain plain texts or images in some cases. On the relevancy to search, the paid search ads are placed. The keyword’s competitive nature usually determines how much money an individual is required to pay for paid ads. 

There are two formats, either PPC– pay per click or PPI— pay per impression. In case a particular keyword is highly competitive, it is usual to have a lot of paid ads on the SERP. 

Organic Search Results

It is considered as “Trustworthy” results. Organic search results are created on the basis of the number of people who have visited the link that is coupled with the search engine result. The link that is attached with the result also has to be relevant to the keywords in the search. 

Usually, an organic search result contains the following. 

  • Website URL.
  • Website Title.
  • Sitelinks.
  • Meta Description. 

We always recommend making sure that all these four components of the organic search result are optimized as per the SERPs. 

Experts also state that all these 4 components should include the appropriate targeted keyword. This way, your company will be able to gain relevance for the keywords, along with getting benefits for the organic search result. 

Local Search Results

Local search results offer maps, lists, and also contact information for businesses that are located within a particular search radius. This particular search radium can be determined by some particular search terms or the current location of the user. 

For any type of local business, it is extremely important to set up a Google business page along with the right business search account. It provides the business the opportunity of providing links to its website, uploading photos of its physical location, contact information, and also the hours of operation. 

In case your business is offering a local service, you can not miss the chance of capitalizing on this free marketing opportunity. Rather than indulging your focus on how your website is ranking organically, it is better to be set up for the local search. It will let your business become visible with little effort. 

Also Read: How To Combine Online And Offline Advertising: A Guide For Retail Business Owners In 2022

Related Searches

At times, related searches can be overlooked. These searches appear at the bottom of the search engine result page in a little box on the basis of a relevant keyword or the users’ experience. 

You do not really have a direct line into the brain of the searchers; that is why the opportunity lies in finding a site via a related search that can not be constructed. Here, the thing that can be constructed is crafting content related to information that people are looking for. 

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