If you are reading this then it is safe to assume that you want to create your server for web hosting. In that case, you have come to the right place.

To build your server, all you need is a good internet connection and the right hardware to use. Having your server means you can save a lot of money on web hosting. This option is perfect for those who want to build a website, but don’t want to pay for hosting services.

Web hosting services are expensive when you want quality services. But you can save all this money by creating your server. For those who are not equipped to have their server, they can go for hosting services like Ghost website hosting.

Guide To Create Your Server for Web Hosting

Here is what you need to do to create your server:

1. Get your hardware

The first step is to choose hardware that is capable of hosting it. Determine your requirements, so that you can get your hardware accordingly.

The good thing, even an old PC can adequately run the software that is needed for your web server.

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2. Decide on your Operating System

The next step is to decide which operating system you want. You will have to choose between Windows and Linux. Based on statistics, around 75% of servers are currently run on Linux.

However, if you want to use Windows, you will have to pay for a Windows license. On the other hand, Linux is a free and open-source operating system.

3. Check whether your connection is suitable for hosting

DIY hosting requires an internet connection that is suitable for web traffic. You are recommended to test your internet connection with the help of speed testing tools.

This will help you determine your current speeds. You should also check with your ISP whether you have a limited data connection or not.

4. Set up and configure your website

Now that you have everything ready, you need to set up the software to host your site. This will depend on the operating system you are using.

If you are using Linux then NGINX, Apache, or Lighttpd are the options you can install. Out of all the three options, Apache is the most popular one.

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5. Set up your domain name

Once your server is configured, your final step is to set up your domain name and check whether it is working. You will have to purchase a domain name from a registrar. Once you get your domain name, you need to set up a relevant DNS entry.

If you think creating your server is too much work, then you can go for hosting services. One of the best ones out there is Ghost web hosting. Before opting for their services, you must check the different hosting plans provided by them.

Creating your server can feel challenging for non-tech-savvy people. But with this guide, you should be good to go.

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