How to Stay Healthy While Playing Video Games

Video games themselves have no direct impact on your physical health. On the contrary, many studies prove that video games have positive effects on the human body. They take part in developing reactions, logic, communication, mental abilities, etc.

To continue to enjoy  the best steering wheel for ps4, follow some tips on how to stay healthy while playing.

As you may have guessed, they do have an indirect influence on human health. To be more precise, video games do not influence your health (except for stress), but more like the state you are in when playing them.

How to Stay Healthy While Playing Video Games

The main problems the gamers encounter:

  • Sedentary lifestyle,
  • Improper seating in a chair,
  • Inappropriate diet,
  • Stress.

Sedentary lifestyle

This problem is not specific to gamers, but that doesn’t make it any less significant. Count how much time you spend in front of the computer? And if before that you sat for half a day at school, university, at a disliked job? Of course, after a hard day you want to rest, and how can you refuse when friends are calling you in the rink?

And then the last 2 hours before going to bed you played a couple of rinks and, excited, went to bed for another 8 hours. If we take the whole day, you were active only a few hours in total, unless of course you do not work in a factory or don’t do any physical activity.

Needless to say, that’s not enough for your body. The situation is even worse nowadays when during the pandemic, many people work or study remotely. It turns out that your whole route is from the bedroom to the kitchen, and then to the computer and back, in reverse order.

In order to avoid this situation, you need to move more. For example, instead of using the elevator, you can use a staircase, if you live in an apartment. Instead of using a car to get to work or university, you can walk a half of the way.

Although now it is a pandemic, you still have the opportunity to enroll in a gym or the swimming pool and take friends with you (it’s a good way to find some, by the way). 

This way, it will be easier to keep up with the routine. 2-3 times of active physical activity per week that you can organize at home can be of great help. Also, look after your diet. If you have been unable to lose weight for a long time now, you should definitely visit a therapist/nutritionist.

You should not be afraid of doctors. They are experts who will help you. Remember: do not bother if you are overweight, you should bother if you are not trying to fix it.’

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Improper seating in the chair

Try to watch your posture, sit in a chair that is comfortable for you. Take breaks and give rest to your eyes and the whole body (look away, do eye circles, etc.).

If your chair does not have a built-in pillow, put a homemade pillow behind your lower back, it will help you maintain the correct posture. We should also say a word about the headphones.

Don’t set the volume too high, otherwise, your hearing can become worse, especially with in-canal headphones. If there are complications (acute persistent pain in the spine, loss of visual acuity, psycho-emotional disorders), see a doctor.

Improper nutrition

You do not have to become a vegetarian to be healthy. Just limit the use of fast food (not more than 1 time in 2 weeks) and save money.

Also, try to cook yourself. It is desirable to eat liquid foods and fish twice a week and consume about 300 grams of vegetables or fruits a day. These figures are average, and it is not necessary to adhere to strict frameworks. 

You have to have breakfast, even if you don’t feel like eating in the morning and you don’t have time to eat. But still, it is a good idea to have a little snack. Just get up 10 minutes earlier and make some oatmeal. After a couple of days, you will get used to it, and you will feel better.

Just do not eat at the computer, while it’s not looking good, in the worst-case scenario, it can lead to equipment failure. Well, try to eat 3-4 times a day (ideally 5-6 times in small portions). If you eat 1-2 times a day, the bile released by the liver stagnates in the gallbladder, as a result, it may lead to gallstone disease.

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Don’t be nervous! Remember that these are just games, think about how other people live without them. If you still want to play them, try to treat them more simply.

Spend less time online and more time alone, with a good story. Take breaks from online games or try other genres. Drink chamomile tea. If you have friends constantly annoying you, it is better to cut off communication with them as much as possible.

These were all the tips we wanted to give you in this article. We hope you found something important to you, and our advice will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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